Gsuite email signature examples
Gsuite email signature examples

Useful when updating users that might have blank values that need to be updated before their signature is created. Skip updates if any of the fields are NULL, BLANK or don't exist. $mooSig->addSettingStripBlanks(True) User Filters Skip fields (Default = ) Merge fields are in the following format ' when generating the template. You can modify this template and include your own MERGE fields. OR git clone Step 4: Update your signature templateīy default there is a signature template located in "signatures/defaultSig.html".


Copy your service-account.json file into the local_vars directory Step 2: Grant Domain Wide DelegationĮnsure that you have granted domain wide delegation through the GSuite console for the following scopes of your service account ', '', '','',' Step 3: Install or clone this repo composer require moometric/gsuite More information can be found on the Google Admin SDK Guide to setting up a service account for your GSuite domain.

gsuite email signature examples

Installing Step 1: Create your service accountĮnsure that you have gone through the steps described here to get your service-account.json file.

  • Your PHP server can read files from the local_vars and signatures directory (after installing).
  • Make sure your are running at least PHP 5.4+.
  • You are a GSuite domain admin with full super admin access.
  • Support for auto fetching and mapping of GSuite directory custom attributes to merge tags for use in email signatures.
  • Fetch users direct from GSuite directory including all attributes (Full name, phone number, profile photo, etc.).
  • gsuite email signature examples

    testUsers.json JSON file is included as an example when fetching users from local source rather than GSuite domain.defaultSig.html template is included, you can add your own templates to the "signatures" directory.Users signatures can be updated direct from the GSuite users directory using standard and custom fields or alternatively from a JSON users file.

    gsuite email signature examples

    Ensure that all your users have a standard signature by updating them using the gmail API.

    Gsuite email signature examples